


En Coriolanus, un héroe desterrado por Roma, se alía con un enemigo para tomar su venganza contra la ciudad.


Banda sonora

Banda sonora de Coriolanus

Más información

01A Place Calling Itself Rome
02Citizens March
03You Fragments
04Souls Of Geese
05Make You A Sword Of Me
06We Hate Alike
07And Then Men Die
09The Deeds Of Coriolanus
10My Masters
11Penalty Of Death
12There Is A World Elsewhere
13Starve With Feeding
14What Is Thy Name
16Milk In A Male Tiger
17Some Other Deity
18Oh Mother
19Cut Me To Pieces
20Sta Pervolia
22A Place Calling Itself Rome (Music And Dialogue)
23You Fragments (Music And Dialogue)
24Souls Of Geese (Music And Dialogue)
25Make You A Sword Of Me (Music And Dialogue)
26We Hate Alike (Music And Dialogue)
27And Then Men Die (Music And Dialogue)
28The Deeds Of Coriolanus (Music And Dialogue)
29Penalty Of Death (Music And Dialogue)
30There Is A World Elsewhere (Music And Dialogue)
31Starve With Feeding (Music And Dialogue)
32What Is Thy Name (Music And Dialogue)
33Milk In A Male Tiger (Music And Dialogue)
34Some Other Deity (Music And Dialogue)
35Oh Mother (Music And Dialogue)
36Cut Me To Pieces (Music And Dialogue)



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